Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7 & 8
The Vault
Week 2 – Your First Big Sales Push
This week the rubber meets the road! We get our first promotion out. The goal of this week is to cover the cost of the program. You may feel overwhelmed or rushed, but don't worry about that. That's normal. We're picking up speed here and you'll get more comfortable as we move forward.
The promotions we'll be sending out this week are based on tried and proven promotions sent in the past. The reason we did the Week 1 exercises was so that you can take the information you discovered, plug it into these promotions and start getting sales now.
Start out with the Week 2 introduction video below and then from there decide which of the two training videos below you should watch first. If you have any questions, just let me know!
Click Here To Download The Week 2 Workbook
Week 2 – Introduction
Week 2 – Video A – You First Promotion
Week 2 – Video B – Building Your House List
- Have a list? Create your promotion!
- Base promotion off swipe files in the vault
- Send me your promotion for review
- Don’t have a list? Start building one!
- Do everything you can to hit this weeks goal – cover the cost of the course!
- Write down all the ways you can start increasing your “house list”
- Optional but recommended: Start your first Facebook Ad Campaign
- See -> Rollande Tarot case study in the vault
- Finish reading the book you selected in Week 1